The holga project

Strip away all the settings on a camera (shutter speed, ISO, and aperture), and you are left with only one decision to make: composition.

This is the value in the Holga toy camera, a simplicity that allows you to develop your aesthetic sensibilities without having to worry about the more technical aspects of photography.

Nearly every week for three years, I would shoot one roll of 120 slide film (twelve frames in each roll) with my Holga. I then rode my bicycle to the local photo shop to get the roll developed, returning in two to three days once it was ready. It was always exciting, hoping for "happy accidents" or unexpected results from my toy camera that was prone to light leaks, inherently imprecise, and capable of experimentation through creating double exposures.

See the total collection of my three years working with the Holga here:


A journey into black and white film photography.

Working with contrast and skin tones as the subject performs mundane tasks around the house. Is it still boudoir if the intention isn't so? What traits makes an image sexy, intimate, or romantic?

This project was carried out while living in San Francisco, where there is many an artist willing to collaborate simply for the sake of collaboration. It was a complete honor that so many of the models I worked with on this project would allow me to come into their homes and personal spaces having only just met me. 


Medium format film. More detail than 35mm film, and more portable than large format, 4X5 film. Not too small, not too big.

The Mamiya 645 medium format camera and I spent a year and a half together, traversing the landscapes of the San Francisco bay area, northern Michigan, Chicago, Atlanta, and more. This camera requires a good deal of precise measurements in order to get the results you want. And like any film format, you never fully know if you were correct until after development.